在拉吉·班恩(Raj Bhan)受伤的时候,他决定与Netflix的数据团队分道扬way。他一直在半程马拉松比赛中训练,并从网络上拔出了一项方案。不幸的是,他将自己归为错误的水桶,伤害了他的腿。
“That struck a chord,” he says. “People can suffer adverse effects from being in the wrong program at the wrong time.健身计划确实需要个性化。”
不过,拉杰受伤有一首诗。现在,他专门创建这些程序(有点)。拉杰(Raj)领导一个数据科学团队Fitbit, the consumer technology company most famous for its stylish wearables.
Ingesting users’ fitness and workout data, Fitbit devices report data back to users through its suite of apps. In the case of personal training tools like Fitstar, Fitbit’s apps can even make fine-tuned fitness recommendations. And that’s no small thing.
“Now that Fitbit trackers are ubiquitous in the market and we’re capturing data from millions of individuals, we are leveraging machine learning to provide smart guidance as part of a personalized experience,” Raj says.
In retrospect, the fitness data that a Fitbit logs probably could’ve helped Raj assess himself better than a standardized regimen. But even then he probably would’ve needed a more personalized service. Now, in a如果…-style twist, the algorithm that Raj’s team has built is the exact thing that could’ve ramped him for his race.
Fitbit’s product has a very good problem. The amount of data it tracks can be overwhelming. The devices ingest fitness data and feed it into the applications, where it’s paired with data from the user’s app interactions.From these data sets, the data science team can build a comprehensive user profile.不过,有职业危害。您获得的信息,您可能会失去清晰度。
“The volume of data does makes it challenging,” Raj says. “We have to make sure that we’re scaling both our hardware and our ETL processes.存储本质上是解决问题的问题,因此我们将精力集中在计算时间和处理上。”
Theoretically, sampling data sets would be a safe bet for a model. After all, Fitbit takes in a lot of data. But Fitbit’s product is user-centric. So long as it’s trying to build something precise to each user’s profile, there’s danger in recklessly sampling.
“We never know what we’re going to need later,” Raj says. “If we’re sampling 30%, there’s a potential for losing 70% of the things that are happening. In that case, our model can only be as good as what 30% of the data tells us.”
“我们一直在问我们还能使用用户数据做什么?” Raj says. “Offering more in the way of personalization and guidance is what we’re striving for.”
但是,Raj的团队认为设备数据将提供明显更好的体验,试图在他们的机器学习实验中利用越来越多的它来改善这种体验。And they’re confident it’ll pay off.
The last mile
“The need to have people just cranking away at algorithms in house is being diminished,” Raj says. “Many third party companies out there provide these one-size-fits-all solutions that are good for probably 80% of solutions, right out of the box. If you really want to hone in and get that last 20%—到最后一英里- 那是您需要内部人员来解决这类问题的地方。”
Running that last mile can be significant. That’s why pays to do it in the right direction.
The original Fitstar algorithm took post-workout feedback and rejiggered the intensity of the next workout accordingly. Users would input their feedback, Goldilocks-style:这太难了,太容易了,正确. The personal training app could, for example, scale the amount of push-ups up or down. Incrementally improving the product like this, the data team saw jumps in engagement.
But was it the best value the team could provide for all the fitness data a user was trading? Raj thought no.
He knew the next big algorithm his team invested in would have to make evermore significant strides in the arena of personalization. If his team was going to run that last mile, users had better feel it, too. So, they turned to the greatest and most difficult resource at their disposal—all that fitness data in user devices.
“What we’ve done with the latest iteration is truly integrated Fitstar data with Fitbit device data,” he says. “So, whether users have a proclivity toward cycling or running or using the elliptical or hiking, Fitbit automatically tracks those preferences and uses them to generate a custom workout for the user.”
Instead of relying solely on what users report to the app, the app makes its calls based on what the Fitbit device itself is saying. If you go cycling a lot, the algorithm will pick up on that signal and create leg-intensive workouts for you. But if you’d just gone cycling the day before, the algorithm knows you might need recovery time and will create an upper-body workout to give your legs some rest. It takes cognitive load off the user while building a more personalized workout.
Despite its massive scale, Fitbit is creating a product experience that maps to each individual user, and machine learning is the most effective way of utilizing the data at its disposal.