How teams of every size can build products like Google
大多数公司没有做890亿去年的美元。大多数公司没有在50个国家 /地区雇用72,000名员工,或者似乎没有取之不尽的执行支持一次性项目。大多数公司永远不会设法成为创新的代名词,也不会产生Google的回报。然而,无论如何,许多人都生产了令人难以置信的产品。
Since 2009, we’ve had the luxury of helping tens of thousands of companies in every industry track their data. What we have witnessed has validated the belief that this company was founded on:这些数据可以帮助各种规模的团队取得更好的结果.
数据描绘了谁使用产品以及原因的丰富肖像,允许初创企业和企业团队更好地优先考虑并培养更清晰的焦点。当与以人为本的设计配对时 - 科学背后的艺术 - 数据成为产品团队可以使用的支点移动世界.
Human-centered design基于这样的信念,即面对问题的人是其答案的关键。这个简单的想法具有深远的含义。
“每一美元都是一场战斗。”文森特·费尼(Vincent Feeney)会计软件公司Myob的UX设计师Myob,“将预算的25%用于'与人交谈'可能是一个艰难的卖出。”Yet there is no substitute for the depth of insight that can come from in-person conversations.User interviews help product teams uncover insights they couldn’t discover on their own.
User interviews are how the product team at healthcare app Oscar realized that rather than increase usage, they should try to将用户拒之门外. Interviews are also how Warby Parker开始提供在家试验,我们如何意识到it should focus on community,以及Soulcycle如何最终意识到它应该扩展到骑自行车之外的健身。对于许多创新,用户持有关键。
Commit to outcomes and get scrappy
真正以人为中心的设计需要团队摆脱他们的顽强的先入之见,承认不知道并致力于永久学习的心态。正如作者亚瑟·奎勒·库奇(Arthur Quiller-Couch)所说,只有对成果的奉献,团队才能“杀死他们的宠儿”,并接受导致更好结果的替代方案,甚至是古怪的结果。
Google’s Project Loon was named such because it sounded looney. But what began as a joke proved to be the most viable method for offering high-speed internet access to areas without infrastructure. Only a truly ego-free product team could have追逐氦气的派对气球在加利福尼亚的中央山谷周围携带WiFi设备,以意识到这一点。在2017年飓风之后,一个完全开发的项目懒汉现在提供互联网访问为了破坏波多黎各的地区。
Sure, Google has resources that most companies can only dream of, but teams of all sizes can achieve the same results by getting scrappy. Aryn Shelander and Matt Aronoff, founders ofLogical Animal, formerly of the product team atWeather Underground,仅使用便宜的喷墨打印输出发现了关键的用户见解。
“We needed user feedback on our weather app, but formal methods had too much process and associated cost,” recalled Aronoff. When it occurred to them that their office building was full of other tenants, they eschewed formal testing services and took the stairs.
“I won’t lie, at first it feels super awkward to stand in a hallway on a floor in someone else’s building waiting for someone to walk out of a bathroom so you can ask them questions,” said Shelander, “But it’s worth it.” After approaching a handful of people who, in turn, asked their friends and co-workers, the team at Weather Underground built a sizeable email list of potential users.
多样性也是一个强大但很大程度上被忽视的伟大设计支柱。“大多数人为自己建造产品。”Mina Radhakrishnan,企业家和前Uber产品负责人。“创始人和产品经理代表的身份,背景和经验越多,解决的问题就越多。”
研究McKinsey,德勤, 和哈佛大学证实了她的想法,并指出多样性超越了性别和种族。年龄,宗教,身高,利益,国籍和各种经验的多样性很重要。为了使团队像用户一样思考,必须在团队中代表用户的身份。
One way to think about it: if a team trying to design a ball, and each team member’s perspective is another surface, it will take a lot of perspectives to make the ball roll. The same is true of most products.
The more diversity, the more errors and assumptions teams can catch. At Uber, Radhakrishnan recalled, “我将按钮放在具有相同颜色的应用程序上it took someone who was colorblind on the team saying something让我意识到我们的许多用户无法将“是”按钮与否定按钮区分开。”
Shelander回忆起她在Weather Underground时期的类似见解。尽管使用了翻译服务,但她的多语言同事还是会在该应用程序无法使用的法语或印地语翻译中遇到错误。同样,国际雇员注意到,无论国家如何,该地图通常会错误地归还旧金山。
Spending time with their families often helps product team members catch flaws. “I realized that my grandfather, who loves radar, was unable to use my app because his fingers were too jittery to tap the small buttons. It just about broke my heart,” said Shelander. She immediately enlarged the tap target size of the map controls.
Teams with a commitment to empathy, outcomes, and diversity can verify their human-inspired design changes with product analytics. Did users react well to the latest release? Was the sample group’s preference true for more than just that user persona? Is what users ask for consistent with what they engage in?
用户说一件事并做另一件事并不少见。2013年,卡塔里新闻机构的半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)询问美国人是否更喜欢事实新闻,而不是“娱乐”新闻。研究对象压倒性地说是。但是,在投资超过10亿美元来推出一个美国新闻频道(American News Channel)发表了艰苦的新闻之后,该公司未能找到观众。美国人实际上想要娱乐.
With product analytics, teams of any size can avoid Al Jazeera’s error. They can easily parse their data to see when users’ stated preferences are merely aspirations by looking at their actual behavior.
Machine learning-equipped analytics tool can help product teams can detect issues like this automatically at scale. These algorithms are designed to mine vast tranches of user data, surface insights, eliminate human error, and alert teams to growing problems. The team at Go-Jek, dubbed the Uber of Indonesia, was alerted to cross-deviceusability issues这激发了他们改善整个设计过程。
产品团队还可以自动追踪收购和保留。团队在Wistia使用分析来识别并迎合其最有价值的用户的队列。同样,乘车共享应用程序的团队Lyftrelies on analytics to understand what happens on the 350 million rides their users take each year and then rigorously test changes in their rider and driver apps.
With the data laid bare, teams of any size can experiment, learn, and capitalize on other user-informed revelations. And with product analytics to collect and refine billions of data points, they can behave like large, well-resourced organizations.
Armed with a human-centered design approach and the data to verify it, product teams can punch far and above their weight. If they are scrappy, diverse, and data-driven, they often have all they need to build incredible products. And best of all? NoGoogleplexneeded.